_hzw's Feed


_hzw said

#LʌvDBMilestone: In one month, LʌvDB will be 1 year old, and today, I renewed the domain name for 3 more years.

_hzw said

Music 100 Best Albums

But isn't it ironic that all those music apps can't even do album lists properly within their apps?

_hzw checked in
Track 10

無意間聽到了王菀之版的「情比紙薄」(2008),就單曲循環了一整天。以前應該是聽過李克勤的版本(2006),但實在沒留下什麼印象(現在想來大概是因為不喜歡那版的編曲)。 #滄海遺珠

Infinity Journey cover
Infinity Journey
Performer: 王菀之
Label: 東亞唱片
Genres: Cantopop
Date: 2008.10.10
_hzw checked in

In Germany we are like two months behind the program schedule in US (today we got EP4 on Disney+, while it's already EP11 there). Maybe I can still finish the book before the season finale here. The book is quite different from the show, at least for the part I have read.

Tracker cover
Developed By: Ben H. Winters
Genres: Drama / Action
Crew and Cast: View All
Date: 2024.02.11
_hzw said

The two ghostwriters of Ellery Queen died on the same day, though in different years. Isn't that intriguing?

_hzw checked in

The crossover editing of the first half was just a mess. It gets better, though. I heard that there will be a 4-hour cut soon. I just hope it will be released as a mini series.

Elvis cover
Director: Baz Luhrmann
Distributor: Warner Bros.
Genres: Drama / Biography / Music
Crew and Cast: View All
Date: 2022.06.24 (US)
_hzw checked in Read
_hzw said

#LʌvDBUpdate: We can now search for titles and creators in a list.

_hzw said

NME's 500 has less than half of the overlap with Rolling Stone's 500.

_hzw pinned
_hzw pinned

A New York Times analysis of Spotify data revealed that our most-played songs often stem from our teenage years, particularly between the ages of 13 and 16.


Survey research from European streaming service Deezer indicates that music discovery peaks at 24.


Ultimately, the Deezer study pinpoints 31 as the age when musical tastes start to stagnate.


多麼讓人傷感。回顧 Apple Music 的 Yearly Replay,從 15 年到 24 年,我聽得最多的確實也是青少年時期就喜歡的港樂和日本流行,而且大部分都是老歌。近年也有那麼幾張爵士或者古典,也是對虧了村上春樹的推薦。

_hzw said

#LʌvDBMonthlyCost 2024.04

Total Cost: $0.00

  • Fly.io: $1.07 (waived)
  • AWS S3: $0.06 (waived)
_hzw said
_hzw checked in

Es gibt viele „zu verschenken" Bücher auf den Straßen in Tübingen, aber gestern habe ich zum ersten Mal einen Haufen „zu verschenken" Schallplatten gefunden.

_hzw said

#LʌvDBUpdate: As we inch toward 500 items in a List, loading all of them at once in both the detail and update views is slow. Now, both views support pagination and can be adjusted in the update view.

_hzw said


_hzw checked in Reading CH 5

It’s a horror story featuring the "undefeatable monster" trope, but the monster this time is an undocumented species of giant human-eating snail. I guess Highsmith loved snails so much she had to have nightmares about them.

_hzw pinned

這篇論文比較迷惑的一點是考證 #日源漢詞 卻不查不引《日本國語大辭典》,否則還能找到更早的文證:《胆大小心録》(1808):「世にあらはれぬは必幸福の人々なり」;而《諳厄利亜語林大成》(1814;一本英和辭典)以「幸福」譯 "happiness"。


_hzw said

Just received a €2,000 dentist bill T.T

_hzw checked in
To Watch

I am actually not going to watch it. I might not like it, and I don't even want to find out. The reason I added this entry is that all ratings and reviews were just removed from 豆瓣. :-)

3 Body Problem cover
3 Body Problem
Distributor: Netflix
Genres: Sci-Fi
Crew and Cast: View All
Date: 2024.03.21

Based in Tübingen
Joined 319 days ago

求知乃 Curiosity is
至純之 insubordination
不從命 in its purest form.
——— 納博科夫 / Vladimir Nabokov

斯文掃地 Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert,
一生安逸 lebt es sich ganz ungeniert.
——— 德諺 / Deutsche Sprichwort

在意的 不再是愛的煩惱
是哪樣做人 更清高
餘生那段旅途 與哪類人共舞
——— 黃偉文《最難行的路》