Check-ins by _hzw to Imposter No More


I finished reading the book last night, slept on it, yet still can't shake off the feeling that ACT is simply a rebranding of Stoicism and Buddhism.

Reading 89%

Your psychological flexibility skills can be summed up in one easy-to-remember acronym, PAVE:

  • P: Pause and get present — take a deep, mindful breath and become aware of your thoughts and feelings.
  • A: Accept — make space for uncomfortable internal experiences, letting go of judgement and resistance.
  • V: Values — identify what matters and the Me you most deeply wish to be in this moment.
  • E: Execute — move your hands, feet, or mouth (the only things you get to control) in the direction of your values.


: I might be caring, but I’ve wasted so much time goofing off and not applying myself. I had more potential, and I blew it. At my core, I’m a disappointment.
: But look at where you are: you have a PhD and a successful job, you’re writing a book, you have your own podcast, and you are establishing yourself in your field.

Can help but notice that this author seems to be very obsessed with podcasts.

Reading 41%

We control actions and qualities; we don’t control outcomes.

As I understand it now, ACT is simply Stoicism and some Buddhism, without explicitly referring to them and using their jargon. I guess this is fine, as I do know some people are allergic to ancient stuffs, but they are likely to agree with their ideas without the references.

Reading 35%

Write your own epitaph:
Here lies ______________
They _________________

My take:

Here lies _hzw
He is a curious person.

But how can one become more curious? What does being curious even mean?

Reading 30%

In the last chapter we talked about mindfulness as the first building block to psychological flexibility. Mindfulness creates the space between a trigger (like a rejection or failure leading to imposterism) and a response (like stepping away from the keyboard) so that we might make choices based on something other than uncomfortable feelings or self-critical thoughts. That “something other” is our values. Our values are our why.

Reading 26%

What we’re talking about here is the first major building block to developing psychological flexibility: mindfulness.

OK. So there are other blocks besides mindfulness.

Reading 24%

...psychological flexibility is about being aware of and open to all internal experiences, fully and without defense—meaning we are in the business not of changing our experiences but of allowing them to be as they already are.

So, psychological flexibility is just another way of saying mindfulness?

Imposter No More

Imposter No More

Overcome Self-Doubt and Imposterism to Cultivate a Successful Career

Author: Jill Stoddard
Publisher: balance
Format: Hardcover / Ebook
Date: 2023.09.19
ISBN-13: 9781538724798
EISBN-13: 9781538724811