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This game is almost Souls-like. Or should I say, Dark Souls is almost Zelda2-like?

リンクの冒険 cover
Publisher : 任天堂
Platform: NES , Famicom Disk System
Release Date: 1987.01.14 (JP)
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ToHeart cover
Developer: Leaf
Publisher : AQUAPLUS
Platform: Playstation 2
Release Date: 2004.12.28 (JP)
_hzw checked in Played Played Time: 39 Hours

Bought this because of the news that Elden Ring's DLC is coming in a few months, and I don't want to play Elden Ring to regain familiarity with the game mechanics. It's insanely difficult without guides. Lore-wise, it's not as rich and riveting as Elden Ring, but it's still interesting enough. To me, the most amazing part of the game is its size—only 6 GB, yet the aesthetics are quite amazing.

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I really want to go through Mai's storyline, but one must also go through a significant portion of Makoto's, which annoyed me a lot. Have to pause for a while.

Kanon cover
Director: 久弥直樹
Developer: Key
Publisher : プロトタイプ
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: 2023.04.20 (JP)
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I fought Ganon twice. The first time, I didn't follow the guide and missed the Silver Arrow, only to discover that Ganon is unbeatable without it. Ultimately, I ended up following the guide. Sad. Anyway, I finished playing the first Zelda. I quite liked the open-ish world, although I found the in-game storytelling lacking. There are quite a few elements that BoTW and ToTK players will find familiar, like many enemies, especially Lynels and Gleeok. The "Master Sword" (actually, Magic Sword) can attack from a distance when at full hearts, and even some of the sound effects are recognizable.

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No, I don’t think I will ever figure out the rules of baseball by playing games and reading manga.

ベースボール cover
Publisher : 任天堂
Platform: Game Boy
Release Date: 1989.04.21 (JP)
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I’ve lost patience for playing old Pokémon games.

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Beat it as usual, with infinite save states...

ロックマン cover
Producer: 西山隆志
Director: 北村玲
Designer: 北村玲
Programmer: 松嶋延幸
Developer: カプコン
Publisher : カプコン
Platform: NES
Release Date: 1987.12.17 (JP)
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Cleared all 24 levels. It's fun at first, until you're left with one brick that takes forever to clear; then the game becomes boring. I'm not certain about the game physics, but I get the feeling that there's some randomness involved. This means that the same trajectory could result in different bouncing directions each time, diminishing the role of skill in the game. I wonder if it's possible to create a one-shot version of the game where all bricks can be cleared based on the initial conditions. You could, of course, play it as before, but the fun part would be figuring out how to achieve a perfect one-shot run.

アレイウェイ cover
Designer: 横井軍平
Musician: 山本健誌
Publisher : 任天堂
Platform: Game Boy
Release Date: 1989.04.21 (JP)
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World 4 要是放在現在發布又會是妥妥的辱華了(說是古代文明,打的卻是大清的殭屍)。玩法除了平台跳跃之外,還有兩關捲軸射擊。流程好短,本來想著會不會是因為考慮到電池續航問題,一查發現當年 Game Boy 只用兩粒 AA 電池就可以玩 15 小時,當下就算是用 Steam Deck 玩 Game Boy 模擬器,也沒有辦法玩那麼久的吧。

スーパーマリオランド cover
Producer: 横井軍平
Director: 岡田智
Musician: 田中宏和
Publisher : 任天堂
Platform: Game Boy
Release Date: 1989.04.21 (JP)
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Finally beat it!!! I played through it over a few days, thanks to save states in the emulator. I didn't know how it was possible to beat it in one sitting because I was unaware that a special item called the Warp Whistle exists. This item can warp you to World 8 at relatively early stages. The only hint of its existence is in the letter after World 6, which states that it is in World 3 (though it's actually in stage 3 of World 1).


I just don't know how people managed to figure out where and how to get it in the first place with such misguided, encrypted message. Maybe the developers dropped hints in guidebooks (did they even exist?).

スーパーマリオブラザーズ3 cover
Producer: 宮本茂
Programmer: 中郷俊彦
Musician: 近藤浩治
Publisher : 任天堂
Platform: NES
Release Date: 1988.10.23 (JP)